A Look at My Bookshelf #7

Usually I do a post about what I've been reading every week. Last week, however, I was traveling and therefore didn't have much time to read (and now I'm drowning in my TBR pile) (gaspgasphelp!). So this week I'm doing a post looking back at what I've read the past two weeks.

Warning: this is a long post.
Image result for stack of books

I finished . . .

The Four Loves, by C.S. Lewis

An exposition on love. Beautiful!

I DNFed . . .

The Cruel Prince, by Holly Black

This is the first time as a book blogger that I have DNFed a book. Of course, I've only been blogging for about three months, buuuut . . . anyway.

I know many people have loved this book, but it just wasn't for me. I was not enjoying it, and my reading philosophy (besides "There is no such thing as too many books") is, "Life is short! Read what you love!"

Also, I took this book with me on a short road trip and decided to DNF it during the road trip . . . but I hadn't brought a back-up book. Learn from my mistake: always bring at least two books with you wherever you go. You know–just in case.

I read . . .

The Unsettlers, by Mark Sundeen

This is a work of nonfiction about three families and one author on a quest to find the "simple life."

This was good! I now want to go live on a farm and raise goats and chickens and grow my own food. I don't think I'm ready to give up plumbing yet, though.

I really liked how Sundeen wove his own story together with those of the three families he interviewed. It made the book more personal and impactful.

The history woven throughout was good too, although a bit much at times.

How to Eat a Peach, by Diana Henry
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A beautiful cookbook full of delectable menus and evocative stories. I savored every page of this book. Diana Henry has a gift for writing about food. Also, the cover was fuzzy!! Like a peach!!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling

I've finally finished the Harry Potter series! It only took me three years.

I think J.K. Rowling is brilliant. Everything just came together in the end. It was beautiful.

One thing I appreciate about this series is that people actually die, unlike in Once upon a Time, in which everybody regularly dies and comes back to life. (I still love Once upon a Time, but the frequent resurrections do annoy me a bit.)

Yawn, by Mary Mann

This is a nonfiction book about boredom, but it's actually not boring! It was humorous, engaging, and thoughtful. I took copious notes. I did skip the chapter about sex, but other than that it was a great read!

I started . . .

My Cousin Rachel, by Daphne DuMaurier. Thoughts on this one coming next week!

Have you read any of these? Tell me your thoughts!


  1. GAH, you've reminded me that I need to finish the HP series. I started it a few years back, and still haven't read books 5-7! They're just so intimidating. D:

    (I totally gave up on OUAT because of all the resurrections LOL)

    1. They kind of are intimidating. The last book was over 700 pages!!! But I believe in you! You can do it! They are worth it.

  2. I love Harry Potter! I read the books as they came out, and I reread them every few years. I’m glad you liked them!

    1. I think it'll be a while before I reread them, but I did enjoy them. I've been thinking about watching at least the first movie sometime.

  3. Sorry The Cruel Prince wasn't for you, but I'm excited that you finished the HP Series!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  4. I eat with the season and love to shop at the farmers' market. Right now there are so many stands with delicious peaches--white is my fave!! Mmmmm....

    1. Oh, I love the farmer's market! Farmer's market peaches are always the best. There's one stand at my local market that sells meat, especially pork, from their farm. They make breakfast sandwiches right there at their table and it smells heavenly!


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