Review: From Twinkle, with Love by Sandhya Menon

I think this might be my first full-length review ever. Which isn't saying much, since I've only been blogging for about three months. But! Hopefully you enjoy my rambling.
I decided to do a review of From Twinkle, with Love because I had Thoughts. So, are you ready for Thoughts? Here they are:

Good Thoughts

🎥 Adorable romance, ohmygoodness!
🎥 Indian-American teens!
🎥 Feminism!!!

🎥 Ah, okay, here's the point that made me want to write a review. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD. So, Twinkle was really sweet and kind and funny . . . and then near the end of the book she turned into a monster (temporarily). I'll bet you're asking, "And why did she put this under the 'Good Thoughts' section?" Well, it's because of a piece of writing advice I read once: write at least one scene where the best part of your character gets completely twisted around. So, Twinkle is focused on empowering women through her filmmaking. But she also feels like she's a nobody, so she can't live her dream. And she also really wants to elevate her own status at school so she can be friends with her BFF again. So she starts off finding her worth in her filmmaking (through Sahil's encouragement), but ends up letting her new feelings of empowerment and popularity go too far and spoil her sweetness, kindness, and funniness. And I just really liked that she had to struggle with herself. It made her a stronger, more complex character. OKAY, END OF SPOILERS FOR NOW.

🎥 The book made me laugh out loud in several places–like when Twinkle was being adorkable. And when Sahil was being adorkable. And those plant puns! (I love puns. Actually, my mom walked into the room just as I read one of them and I was just laughing before she said anything.)

Not-so-good Thoughts? But nothing major because I loved this book. Oh. Maybe I should have mentioned that sooner. Yes, I love this book.

🎥 Hmm, speaking of Sahil being adorkable . . . he was adorkable in the beginning (because SPOILER he had a huuuuge crush on Twinkle END OF SPOILER), but it seemed like he became comfortable with her too soon. He stopped being unsure of himself and became this shiny, confident dude. Still sweet, of course, but no longer adorkable, which I missed greatly. I mean, I am not a sixteen-year-old male, but I wouldn't think this would happen?

🎥 Part of me was like, Really, Twinkle? That's so shallow! about the whole crush-on-Neil thing, but the other part of me was like, No, feelings are wonky. And goals and ulterior motives and . . . yeah. It was supposed to be like that. And she realized her own shallowness in the end, so it all works out and I don't think this is actually a not-so-good thought after all.

Well! Those are my Thoughts. Have you read FTwL? Did you like it? Share your Thoughts with me!


  1. I love myself some funny YA contemporaries! I'm not sure if I'll like the way-too-quick change of Sahil's character, but we'll see. I should try When Dimple Met Rishi first. :)

  2. I have read this one! I'm so glad you really loved it and I thought Sahil was the cuuuutest ever. I was a bit confused how Twinkle ended up in like, a love square, when she thought she was a nobody!😂But yeah! Have you read When Dimple Met Rishi by this author?! It's so so good!

    1. That was confusing–it was kind of annoying, too, because all these guys had a crush on her, but I can forgive her.
      I have read When Dimple Met Rishi! I loved it!

  3. Okay, okay both When Dimple Met Rishi and this one are waiting for me on my TBR pile but I am afraid to approach yet because of my fear of (cue really eerie horror movie soundtrack) THE HYPE MONSTER!!! Glad that you liked both, I sure hope I get to pick them soon. :)

    P.S. Love the aesthetic of your blog, you got yourself a new follower out of me. :)

    Jennilyn @ Rurouni Jenni Reads

    1. Thank you so much! I've found it's usually worth it to at least try hyped books, because most of the time there's something there. I love Sandhya Menon's books!


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