Inspiration Monday #5: "Savage Empire"

The last time I did an Inspiration Monday was back in 2018! I can't believe I've had this blog for that long (albeit with a looooong break between 2020 and 2023).

This is sort of a Music Monday post and an Inspiration Monday post combined, because I wanted to explore an idea that's been in my head for quite a while based on the song "Ribs" by The Crane Wives and the song "Lost Girls" by Lindsey Stirling.

The inspiration for this story centers around the idea of a genderbent Peter Pan retelling ("Lost Girls") plus this lyric in "Ribs": 

Brick and mortar between my bones

Built a kingdom fierce and fortified

My name fading from the yellow page

Stones are laid upon the mountainside

Oh, my savage empire

How lucky we are

(How lucky we are)

Never to be moved by the words of a liar

Here are some words of my own: "They had tangled hair and wild hearts. They were reckless joy and untamed grief covered by scraped knees and muddy dresses."

Does this sound like a story you would read? What elements would you add? I might have to create a Pinterest board for this one!
