Some Thorns and an Idea

The other day I was tackling some yard work. Specifically, I was hacking apart some huge thorn bushes. I have never seen such evil thorns; they reminded me of fairytale thorns, maybe the type that Prince Charming would have slashed through to get to Sleeping Beauty. I mentioned this at dinner that evening and my mom loved the idea. She loved it so much, in fact, that she suggested we do a little writing challenge based on it. (My sister decided to join us as well.)

So here's the challenge: from December 1 to February 1, we will write our stories. The goal is 10,000 words. At the end, we'll share our stories. It's not competitive; we just think it'll be fun to start out with the same idea and see where it takes each of us individually.

Who knows, maybe one day this challenge will sprout into a collection of mother-daughter short stories!

Thanks for stopping by,

