Bookish Goals for 2024

Pictured above: I actually have a physical TBR pile!

We are in the middle of the last week of 2023 and racing towards the new year! Many people like to make New Year's resolutions around this time, but I prefer to set goals.

I'll talk about my 2023 reading goals and how I did with them in my "2023 Reading Wrapped", but right now, I want to set my writing and reading goals for the new year! 

I don't think I've ever had a yearly writing goal before, so I'm not even sure what kind of goal I should set. Many options present themselves to me: finishing this or that project, writing a certain number of words per week, etc. I have so many unfinished projects that I want to work on, and I'd love to finish them all, but 2024 is going to be another year of change, and I don't want to get too extravagant with my goals. While I love to write, I'm not disciplined about it; it's a hobby I return to as the mood takes me and as I have time.

One thing writing-related that I've wanted to do for a long time is go to a writers conference. My husband and I will probably be traveling a lot next summer, so I'd love to go to a writers conference and make some connections then. I think that's the only "writing" goal I'll make for 2023!

Now, on to reading. I think last year's goal of 70 books was a little too much, so I'm going to go for 60 this year. That's only five books per month! I think I can handle it.

Do you have any writing or reading goals for 2023? Are there any writers conferences you recommend I attend in 2024 (especially any focused on YA/fantasy)? Let me know in the comments!
