Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Dive into a summer-themed Top Ten Tuesday with me!

Top Ten Tuesday is a tag hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, she picks a bookish prompt and then posts ten books that fit the prompt. This week's prompt is "Books on My Summer 2024 To-read List". 

I have decided to put these books in order of release date, from oldest to newest. I tried to pick newer releases, but since I get most of my books from the library, I'm not great about reading books as they come out. Hence, some of these are a little old. But here we go! (Covers are linked to Goodreads, so if you want to find out more about a book, click the cover!)

1. We'll Always Have Summer, by Jenny Han (Release Date: April 26, 2011)

This series is like an addiction; it's not good for you, but you just have to have the next one.

2. Dial A for Aunties, by Jesse Q Sutanto (Release Date: April 27, 2021)

Pretty sure I saw this on someone else's blog on a different Top Ten Tuesday post. It sounds really fun, so I'm looking forward to reading it this summer!

3. The Stars Did Wander Darkling, by Colin Meloy (Release Date: September 13, 2022)

Not only is this Middle Grade, which I'd like to read more of, it's Middle Grade horror! Colin Meloy coauthored the Wildwood series, so I'm very excited to read this solo project.

4. Throwback, by Maurene Goo (Release Date: April 11, 2023)

This one was described as "Back to the Future meets The Joy Luck Club". I'm sold!

5. The Otherworld, by Abbie Emmons (Release Date: September 19, 2023)

I saw the trailer for this book on YouTube and just really wanted to read it after that. This one is self-published, so I think I'm gonna have to buy it from Thriftbooks! Here's a teaser from Goodreads: "Orca Monroe wants only one thing for her eighteenth birthday: to experience the Otherworld—the mysterious “mainland” across the sea that her father has forbidden her from visiting." 

6. The Pomegranate Gate, by Ariel Kaplan (Release Date: September 26, 2023)

I loved Ariel Kaplan's YA Contemporary We Are the Perfect Girl, so I'm really excited that she's written a fantasy series as well! And just look at that cover. Doesn't it make you want to crack it open and take a peek inside? Goodreads describes this as: "a vibrant and heartfelt Inquisition-era Jewish epic fantasy in the vein of Naomi Novik, Katherine Arden, and Tasha Suri."

7. Really Very Crunchy, by Emily Morrow (Release Date: January 1, 2024)

The subtitle says it all: A Beginner's Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life without Adding Them to Your Personality. This one's on my birthday wishlist!

8. Me Vs. Brain: An Overthinker's Guide to Life, by Hayley Morris (Release Date: March 5, 2024)

(Note: the release date here is for the U.S. paperback edition; the U.K. edition was first published in 2023.)

I stumbled across Hayley Morris on Instagram several months ago and I've been following her ever since! She can be a bit crude at times, but she's just so funny and relatable. I'm still waiting for my library to get this book.

9. The Familiar, by Leigh Bardugo (Release Date: April 9, 2024)

I saw this on another blog too! Goodreads: "From the New York Times bestselling author of Ninth House, Hell Bent, and creator of the Grishaverse series comes a highly anticipated historical fantasy set during the Spanish Golden Age." I don't think I've actually read anything by Leigh Bardugo yet (I know, what kind of book blogger am I?). This one looks so interesting!

10. There is a Door in This Darkness, by Kristin Cashore (Release Date: June 11, 2024)

Goodreads says this is "A magic-tinged contemporary YA about grief and hope from the acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of the Graceling Realm novels." I'm a huge fan of Kristin Cashore, so this should be amazing! I'm really hoping this is similar to Jane Unlimited, because I loved that book.

What about you? What on your summer TBR? Drop the link to your Top Ten Tuesday in the comments below–or, if you're not a book blogger, just drop the titles of some books you're excited to read this summer! I can't wait to hear from you.


  1. Hah, I probably need the "Really Very Crunchy" book.

  2. I'd like to read more middle grade horror too, seems like it might be the right level for my scaredycat-self !

    1. Yes! I'm too scared to read adult horror (although I can sometimes deal with adult thriller/mystery), but I do enjoy a good YA or Middle Grade horror now and then.

  3. I've only read The Familiar, but unfortunately it wasn't for me.

    My TTT:

    1. That's a bummer! I love the idea of a historical fantasy, so hopefully it lives up to my expectations.

  4. I enjoyed The Familiar. Here is my post

  5. The Otherworld looks super interesting.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Doesn't it?! I should have included the book trailer that I mentioned in my post!

  6. You can get Emmie's book here:

    and I've looked at that Really Very Crunchy book but haven't pulled the trigger to get it yet.

    1. Ooh, thank you! I will be buying both of these books soon (unless I get one or both of them for my birthday first, that is).

  7. The Pomegranate Gate sounds really interesting! Gorgeous cover as well! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  8. I hope you enjoy reading them all.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  9. I hope you enjoy your summer reading!

    Happy TTT!

  10. Dial A for Aunties is so much fun!

    1. That's what I've heard! I can't wait to read it for myself!

  11. I am really looking forward to reading The Familiar. I have enjoyed other books by Bardugo. I loved Dial A for Aunties and hope you will too when you read it! I hope you enjoy all your summer reading!

  12. So many good books! I'm very intrigued by The Pomegranate Gate. Great list! :)

    1. Me too! I love it when the genres of fantasy and historical fiction are blended.

  13. Really Very Crunchy looks awesome. I love the subtitle. I hope you enjoy all these!

    1. Yes! I've heard snippets of the audiobook and I'm so excited to get my hands on the physical book. Have a great summer!


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