The Summer I Turned Pretty: Book vs. TV Show (Season Two)

Welcome back to another stream-of-consciousness blog post where I ramble about Season 2 of The Summer I Turned Pretty! Note: This post contains a ton of SPOILERS, to the point where it won't make sense to anyone who hasn't read the books. Consider yourself forewarned.

  • Episode 1:
    • Ooookay, so they skipped Belly being with Conrad entirely??
    • Okay, it did happen, now we're seeing flashbacks. What about prom?
    • These phone calls between Conrad and Belly are SO FRICKIN CUTE.
    • Okay, Cory is NOT cute.
    • The whole Cory/Belly thing was SO awkward and SO not like the book. In the book, Taylor is pushing Belly towards Cory and he has a huge crush on her. In the TV show, Belly is looking for a rebound and Cory's not interested (Taylor's still pushing her on him, though).
    • They do have all the scenes, just in a different order.
    • Susannah's graduation letter to Stephen foreshadows the wedding letters she wrote to Belly and Conrad.
  • Episode 2: 
    • I like that Laurel's book is called It's Not Summer Without You.
    • Jeremiah: "That is ... not for decoration?" LOL. The flat tire thing wasn't in the book. I really like that they had that conversation by the side of the road. Belly's actually apologizing for her actions?! Who is she??!!
    • The cocoa speciality ... I love that scene.
    • So the show implies that Belly and Conrad had sex at the beach house over Christmas, when that is NOT what happened. In that regard, I like the book better.
  • Episode 3: 
    • Wait, Aunt Julia? She's not in the book.
    • Steven's character continues to develop! When he tells Taylor he's sad about Susannah but he's really excited about Princeton–that's relatable. "Happiness and grief can coexist."
~ In Between Episodes Thought ~ While Belly's wardrobe is super cute, it is bothering me. It just rings a little false when Taylor tells Steven that she's going to tell him a few things to pack for Belly because Belly has probably been living in the same huge T-shirt all week, and the next scene cuts to Belly in yet another cute, scrappy crop top. 
  • Episode 4:
    • I like that they gave Conrad panic attacks in the show. Okay, that came out wrong. What I mean is, they gave him a handicap. Something to make him seem vulnerable, more human.
    • M'kay, pretty sure Steven and Taylor are gonna get together at some point during the show. For real, not just for a hookup. Also, I want to know what happened to Shayla!?
    • I'm so glad they had the scene with the realtor where Conrad calls Belly his girlfriend!
    • Taylor: "I want some ice cream. Nature's air conditioning." The look Conrad gives her, I'm dying. 
    • Skye celebrating so hard and then being like "Ooh I don't do hugs, I don't do hugs"–my high school self related to that.
    • Another appearance from Cleveland the Part-time Therapist, cool.
  • Episode 5:
    • I like the nod to Jeremiah's POV chapters in Book 2 with his thoughts in voice-over. I thought it was weird until I remember that he gets chapters in Book 2 and Conrad gets chapters in Book 3.
  • Episode 6:
    • Oh yeah! I'd totally forgotten about the party. But wasn't it Jeremiah's idea in the books? Not Belly's.
    • The alcohol buying scene was funny. I looooved it when Conrad called her "Isabel".
    • I just saw Jenny Han again!!
    • Conrad: *Takes sip of Belly's drink. Makes face.* "It's too sugary." *Pause.* "I thought cocoa was your specialty." Me: *Melts.*
    • LOVE Skye trying to technically ascertain how kissing works.
    • "Your first kiss is supposed to be like a dream." UH WHAT?!
    • I prefer Belly & Taylor's friendship in the TV show. In the books, Belly implies that she's just kind of stuck with Taylor and wouldn't be friends with her if their friendship wasn't so much of a habit, but in the show they actually seem to care about each other. There is still some growth in their friendship too, though.
  • Episode 7:
    • Love Skye's squinchy smile and little "m-hm" as the boys give them a double-sided hug.
    • I'm SO glad they kept the "Do you still?" "Yes, I still." (Even though I'm team Conrad.)
  • Episode 8:
    • Jere being the go-between for Conrad and Belly is the sweetest! "If it was anyone else in the world, I'd fight like hell, but if you're what she needs, then I won't get in the way again. I just want her to be happy, and I want you to be happy too." That's real love! Welllll, at least until Book/Season 3.

And now I just have to wait until next summer to watch Season Three ...
