An Apology (sort of) and a Poem

I realize that if I were truly serious about blogging, I would not have gone completely silent in the blogging community for a year and a month. (That sounds kind of storybookish, doesn't it? Like a year and a day, except not. . . .) As of right now, blogging is just a hobby which I happen to have time for again! And this might be something that I alone am excited about! Welcome back anyway, though, whether you're excited or not.

As my first post after a year and a month, I present you with a poem.

Image result for iron crown

The Queen

That’s the color of my soul,
I think.
Some people, wishing to be charitable,
would call it silver.
They called my husband’s
But it was yellow.
Called, I said.
He died.
Some people–not the charitable ones–
whisper that
I killed him
for his crown.
It’s a little heavy–
it leaves a red line on my forehead, as you see.
But I’ve been told
I wear it well.
My husband never was interested
in the common folk–
Besides myself, of course.
I was beautiful to him,
and so he took me.
That was his philosophy
of life.
He thought
all beautiful things
were good.
He was wrong.
When I was a girl in my father’s cottage,
I used to gather herbs
and learn their uses.
The shabby, homely ones
were often wholesome;
The beautiful ones
sometimes deadliest poison.
There was one plant–
tall and purple–
whose leaves, when boiled and sipped,
would kill, quite slowly,
but inescapably.
That one was my favorite of them all.
There’s quite a patch of it
growing in the castle’s kitchen garden.
Its roots, it happens,
are innocent and tasty.

* * *

There you go! The queen in this persona poem comes from a novel I've been working on for years. Actually, it was my NaNoWriMo project two years ago, but I want to drastically change the story. My question is this: would you as a reader be interested in reading more about this character? Comment and let me know! Or just comment! I'll be thrilled either way!

Also, what kind of content would you be interested in seeing here? I'd love to have your thoughts!

Thanks for reading,
